Change Log

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First Change Log v0.1

Our first changelog! The foundation of the site was established, including this here changelog. Some security implementations. Lots more to do in terms of foundational functionality.

• Set up website server.
• Set up website template on server.
• Established Database.
• Create Main Connection to database.
• Temporary logo added to site.
• Make Main Library.
• Make universal clock function.
• Make Connection System.
• Make Error Log System.
• Make Script Efficiency Tracker.
• Make Version System.
• Make Site Settings System.
• Get base template ready for main page.
• Create library plugin system.
• Make OOP of entire single page.
• Design basics of the main menu.
• Create function that displays an alert/message in header.
• Added google stream analytics.
• Touch up final base template.
• Set up DDoS protection.
• Applied Anime.js animation studio.
• Make changelog database.
• Add a spot for current user level.
• Add user profile image on main nav.
• Created discord chatroom and account.
• Created HUD of users Pixels, exp, level and avatar.
• Create copyright date system.

Oct 13 2024